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Crème De La Crème Cotillion~Beautillion Program


Objectives Of The Cotillion~Beautillion

The Gwinnett County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority strives to bring value to the greater Gwinnett community, workforce, and society by enhancing the lives of the debutantes and beaus through exemplary programs, preparation techniques, pursuit of personal and scholarly excellence, and commitment to service to the greater Gwinnett community. Cotillion~Beautillion participants are given the opportunity to participate in a nine month program consisting of personal development seminars in the areas of financial management, relationship development, effective communication, dining/social etiquette, and networking. In addition, debutantes and beaus are charged with giving back to the community by participating in local community service activities. The participants will have an opportunity to exchange information, establish camaraderie, reinforce bonds of friendship, build personal character, and have an invaluable experience that they will use as a foundation for lifelong achievement. The Cotillion~Beautillion Program is committed to reinforcing parental values, promoting responsible citizenship, and community activism. The program will develop well-rounded initiatives for young men and women that will build community while respecting and enhancing the unique individualism of every debutante and beau. GCAC strives to produce a more confident, critically aware individual who challenges society to develop viable solutions to its ills while promoting empowerment, leadership, and personal accountability through mentorship.

Criteria For Selecting Participants

Rising juniors or seniors who have demonstrated exemplary moral standards, academic achievement, leadership ability, community and school involvement, plan to attend a post-secondary institution, and have a grade point average of 2.0 or better will be eligible for consideration as a prospective member of the Cotillion~Beautillion Court.

A Little History

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The Cotillion ~ Beautillion
The Cotillion ~ Beautillion
A Cotillion ~ Beautillion is a formal presentation of young ladies (debutantes) and a rite of passage for young men (beaus) that mark their coming of age. The Cotillion ~ Beautillion Ball is the culmination of a nine month program focused on self-awareness, social development, and a heightened sense of personal and civic responsibility. 

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Inaugural Cotillion 2008
Inaugural Cotillion 2008
The Cotillion Program was introduced to GCAC by Soror Latabia Woodward. Soror Woodward along with Soror Lakisha Platenburg (co-chair) and a host of dynamic sorors led the debut of the Crème de la Crème Cotillion in March 2008.  It has been our premier fundraiser to finance the chapter’s public service initiatives and scholarships to deserving college bound students in the Gwinnett County community.

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In an effort to distinguish our Cotillion Program from others throughout the state of Georgia, Sorors Traci Bahsoon and Jameka Reese Blackmon led the charge to add the Beautillion component to include young men in the program in the summer of 2009. The members of the Gwinnett County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority embraced this change and the Cotillion~Beautillion Program was conceived.

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2009 – Now
2009 – Now
Our Ladies and Gents in Waiting (LGW) make their initial introduction to our esteemed guests in high anticipation of their continuance in the Debutante~Beau Program.  The LGW program is a Leadership Training program designed to equip 8th-10th graders the capacity to excel academically and socially during their 11th and 12th grade years.


I thoroughly enjoyed my cotillion-beautillion experience when I was a debutante. The lessons and skills I learned through the facilitation of different sessions during those nine months have stayed with me ever since. The lasting friendships I made with other participants are one of my favorite parts of my cobeau experience. My most cherished time was being a part of the ball that concluded the program.

Hello, my name is Chiana Fowler. I attend Clark Atlanta University seeking a degree in biology on a pre-dental track set to be completed in May 2024. I had the experience of a lifetime participating in the 2020 “Crème de La Crème” Cotillion, organized by The Gwinnett County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, inc. My experience however, wasn’t like most. During my senior year, my personal life took a turn at such an important time but being a debutante helped me through it in the most unimaginable ways. It was a space where I wasn’t under pressures of being an athlete, student leader, big sister, even or the “strong friend”. It provided a safe space for me to focus solely on being a beautiful, graceful, educated black woman while everything seemed to be falling apart around me. My debutante experience built me up from the inside out so that I would be able to face the world each day. Not to mention, I learned so much information about real life in the events we participated in that still help me to this day. Mostly, I enjoyed the family atmosphere and we how we always had so much fun. Everyone cared about, loved, and respected each other equally. The genuine relationships that I built with mentors, debutantes and beaus, and even some guests that were brought to the program have nonetheless played an important role in my life and will most likely continue to do so. All in all I learned, that no matter how dark the road may seem, you will still get your fairy tail princess ending as long as you remain true to yourself as an educated and gracefully hard working black woman.

The Gwinnett County Alumnae Chapter’s Cotillion Beautillion program over the past 10 years have provided Debutantes and Beau participants enrichment of their knowledge, growth of leadership skills, exposure to fun filled education and cultural experiences along with getting reinforce with core values of personal & scholarly excellence, accountability and perseverance that prepared them for adulthood. We have led the charge for them to go forth and set high standards for future generations. As a former Co-Chair of this program, I am sending oceans of love & support to the upcoming Co-Beau Chairs, Committee members and participants for the 2023-2024 Cotillion Beautillion season! Go forward and “Prepare for Excellence and Exceed the Dream” for our prospective young men and women that will become a part of this awesome program that leads up to an exquisite and enchanting Crème de la Crème evening!

Looking back on it, it was one of the most special nights of my life and I was so grateful that I was able to share it with family and friends. I will forever treasure the memories and friendships made throughout the CoBeau season and hope that the debutante tradition is carried on in my family for generations to come.

Taylor’s debutante journey was one of the most empowering and inspiring experiences during a very special time of her life; her Senior Year in High School. Being a GCAC debutante sparked a stronger desire to excel, to believe more purposefully and intentionally in herself, and most importantly, to witness first hand how large, and how much her village unconditionally loved, and hands down supported her. I am still in awe of how the positive evidence of this life changing journey is still making in her life. I can’t wait for my son to become a Beau!

“I will always treasure watching the debutantes who arrived as soft-spoken girls, formally announced while taking that deep curtsy. At that moment, I saw the awkward grins melt away, and these poised, elegant young woman emerge right before my eyes. I have never before been so proud.”
- JAMEKA REESE BLACKMON · CHAIR (2010, 2012, 2018)

What We Offer?


We Offer A Premier Cultural Biennial Event To Prepare Young Men And Women At The Threshold Of Adulthood To Assume Their Place In Society.

Servant Leadership

Promote a desire to serve with an emphasis on collaboration, trust, empathy, and the ethical use of power. Enhance individual growth, teamwork and overall involvement and satisfaction.

Career Planning

Explore interests and abilities; Advance the ideal of strategically planning career goals; Create future work success through networking experiences and career awareness sessions to familiarize participants with career research.


Provide cultural experiences for participants to develop an appreciation for an art, activity or interest such as live theater performances, golf clinics, and museums. Create opportunities to network with with community/government leaders.

Public Speaking

Host opportunities to enhance oration skills in a live audience setting including peers and community leaders. Focus on the three general purposes of public speaking: to inform, to persuade and to entertain.

Social Etiquette

Educate on the code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior within particular settings. This includes dining skills to establish credibility and reputation and to build self-confidence.

College Preparation

Introduction to application completion and follow up using current methodologies of colleges and universities. “Building the Basics before College” through the exploration of checking writing, account balancing, and effective study skills.


Guidance throughout and beyond the program in like interests and career aspirations. The goal is to support and encourage participants to manage their own growth in order that they may maximize their potential and become the person they want to be.

Character Building

Indelible moments that strengthen each participant’s character through life skills and training that will develop happier more confident adults. Address communication techniques, law enforcement interaction/engagement, civic responsibilities, and goal setting.

Check back often for details on our upcoming 2025-2026 program.

If additional information is needed, please contact the Cotillion~Beautillion committee via email.

This website is the sole property and responsibility of the Gwinnett County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.

Gwinnett County Alumnae Chapter

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated

P.O. Box 491508

Lawrenceville, GA 30049
